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PM’s May Day Speech

During his May Day rally speech, Singaporean Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong stated that workers are living in a “time of change.” However, he believes that both the Government and labor movement will help workers to meet the challenges of these changes effectively.

By: Admin

Singapore Careers and Job affairs

Separate events are organised for various industry tracks, in Singapore and other parts of the world as well. All the events focus on living and working in Singapore. You can keep checking periodically to see upcoming events and search for ones relevant for you.

By: Amit Puri

Booming Industries in 2017

Singapore is one of the world’s leading countries in commerce and finance, as well as having been recently voted the top country for expats by HSBC. In fact, it is also the top voted country in the world for starting up a business because of the support available for entrepreneurs and their SMEs and SMBs.

By: Money Digest