• I am looking for Talent

    Seeking to recruit a dynamic talent?

    Whatever your parameters, we will explore!

    We scout diverse talents to ease them into your role and organisation.

    We juggle HR consultancy with talent recruitment for entry level, middle level and senior level talents.

Our talent recruitment and services encompasses:

Permanent - Full time (FT) & Part Time (PT)

Talents build long term, purposeful, progressive careers and enjoy attractive remuneration.

Temporary, Contractual Recruitments -
Full time (FT) & Part Time (PT)

Talents build short term careers to serve a seasonal business goal.

Head Hunting Services

Top Talents are attracted through innovative and discreet channels for niche roles and markets. These high stake key hires are well compensated to take on leadership roles with a mandate to steer the organisation in a specific direction.

Payroll, Compensation & Benefits Administration.

Thinking of outsourcing this entire function? You will certainly sleep better, reduce complexity, simplify your systems and invest time on revenue generating tasks.

Shared Services

Our team would love to create value, slash costs, usher in the best talents and discover solutions for you!

  • Psychometric Profiling is conducted for development, employee selection, cognition, emotional, job/academic potential, dispositional traits and situational judgements.
  • Career & Transition Coaches endow support, knowledge, skills and direction to evolve and sustainably propel a transitioning talent.
  • Our Panel of Lawyers dispense legal consultation and resources to train on the emerging employment laws and regulations. We also have full confidence in our legal professionals' expertise to review policies, handbooks, letters and agreements.

We would evaluate, provide our perspectives, explore and distinguish the right individual.

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Contact us… Our Consultants would be happy to furnish a run-up of our rates.

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    Tips & Trends

    Useful Blogs & Publications for Human Resources Partners

    Some useful Blogs & Publications for our Human Resources Partners

    Please refer to the links listed below

    By: Service Connections HR Consultancy Pte Ltd

    PM’s May Day Speech

    During his May Day rally speech, Singaporean Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong stated that workers are living in a “time of change.” However, he believes that both the Government and labor movement will help workers to meet the challenges of these changes effectively.

    By: Admin

    Booming Industries in 2017

    Singapore is one of the world’s leading countries in commerce and finance, as well as having been recently voted the top country for expats by HSBC. In fact, it is also the top voted country in the world for starting up a business because of the support available for entrepreneurs and their SMEs and SMBs.

    By: Money Digest